▪ A life-size plastic skeleton of the hand with forearm bones (radius and ulna). ▪ All the joints are articulated. ▪ Made of washable, high-quality PVC Every Dr Wong Anatomy® Model...
This life-size model features a sagittal section of the elbow joint, making it a perfect educational tool for anatomy teaching and learning. The model comes in one piece and...
This model is designed as a visual leaning aid for anatomy and physiology courses. • Helps students to understand the morphology and construction of the elbow joint. • Demonstrates all...
This highly detailed, adult, life-sized muscular arm model is designed to be used by any student of anatomy from beginner to advanced, and can be used by medical professionals, teachers,...
▪ A life-size upper limb skeleton model, including clavicle, scapula, arm bones, and hand bones. ▪ All the joints are articulated. ▪ Made of washable, high-quality PVC Every Dr...