Enlarged model with removable parts for detailed anatomical study. ▪ 4X life size. ▪ The model shows the external, middle, and inner ear. ▪ The eardrum with malleus, incus, and stapes are removable....
▪ 3X life size. ▪ The model shows details of the external, middle, and inner ear. ▪ The eardrum with malleus, incus, and stapes are removable. ▪ The other removable part is composed of...
Enlarged approximately 4 times. Separates into pinna, petrous bone (3 parts), tympanic membrane with malleus and incus, labyrinth (2 parts), Eustachian tube. 8 parts in total. On a stand with blue...
Model can be separated into 3 parts. Showing very instructively the organs of the middle ear space and of the inner ear. The membranous and the bony labyrinth are shown,...
Enlarged approximately 18 times. The network of nerves of the organ of balance is represented. Labyrinth Model mounted on a stand with a blue base. The Labyrinth Model is separated...
Enlarged approx. 19 times. Consisting of the malleus, incus and stapes. Model separates into 3 parts. On a stand with blue base. Every Dr Wong Anatomy® Model comes with a 3-year...
Enlarged model of inner ear labyrinth, 2 parts This model is an enlarged model of the inner ear labyrinth. The model consists of two parts: an inner ear labyrinth (including...
This single-piece model is a useful tool to study the mechanism of sound reception. The model shows an enlargement section of the cochlea and Corti’s organ including hair cells, tectorial...