Model dog heart, infected with Dirofilaria immitis
Ideal for patient consultation
Also suitable for decoration
Elaborately coloured
Mounted on a plastic base
The Bovine Stomach Model is a realistic, accurate representation of the bovine digestive system, making it an ideal teaching tool for veterinary, agricultural, and animal science educators.
The Bovine Uterus Model realistically and accurately displays the anatomy of the bovine uterus and is an ideal teaching tool for veterinary, agricultural and animal educators.
The pig uterus model realistically and accurately displays the anatomical structure of the porcine uterus and is an ideal teaching tool for veterinary, agricultural and animal educators.
The Horse Urinary System Model provides a realistic, accurate representation of the horse urinary system and is an ideal teaching tool for veterinary, agricultural and animal science educators.
The Horse Uterus Model provides a realistic and accurate representation of the anatomy of the horse uterus, making it an ideal teaching tool for veterinary, agricultural and animal science educators.
Canine Osteoarthritis set of four life-size models illustrate degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis). Disease-free (normal) knee also includes additional important structures including ligaments, tendons and patella. The other three models demonstrate...
Canine shoulder model of average size with scapula, humerus, biceps brachii tendon, coracobrachialis tendon, lateral glenohumeral ligament, medial glenohumeral ligament and transverse humeral ligament.