This skull anatomy model, with its color-coded design, serves as an exceptional tool for teaching basic anatomy. The use of different colors on the bones aids in distinguishing the various...
This life size degenerative lumbar vertebrae disk disease model is designed as a visual leaning aid suitable for anatomy and physiologycourses, professional orthopedics, rheumatologists, chiropractic medicine, general anatomical study or rehab...
This life-size torso with an open back is composed of 28 parts and provides an exceptionally realistic reproduction of anatomical structures in their finest detail. All of the body systems...
A meticulously hand-painted, sectioned model of the head is flawlessly detailed. This life-size head model is sliced horizontally into 12 pieces, giving an idea of how computer tomography and magnetic...
This premium foot and ankle model offers a slight flexibility and presents a thorough array of ligaments. It displays both major and minor ligaments of the foot and ankle joint,...
4-stage cross-section of an artery demonstrating atherosclerosis in which the narrowing of the artery is due to a build-up of fatty tissue (cholesterol) and plaque 4-stages: • normal artery • fatty...