This fully flexible hand and wrist model exhibits a diverse array of lifelike movements. It effectively demonstrates stretching, bending, abduction, adduction, dorsal and palmar flexion, radial and ulnar abduction, and...
This 3-part model, enlarged 2X life-size, shows the anatomy of the hand, including muscles, nerves, ligaments, vessels, and bone structures. The aponeurosis is removable for closer examination. Every Dr...
This life size hand joint model is designed as a visual aid for teaching physiology and hygiene courses. • Helps students understand the morphology and construction of the bones of...
Surgical Hand Model, natural size. The Hand model is made up of 6 parts, which can be disassembled. Muscles of the Hand with Base of Forearm Model mounted on a...
This life-size model is composed of 4 parts. The palmar aponeurosis and the palmaris brevis can be removed to reveal the underlying network of muscles, tendons, vessels, and nerves. A...
This life-size hand joint model with painted muscles is designed as a visual aid for teaching physiology and hygiene courses. • Helps students understand the morphology and construction of the...
▪ A life-size upper limb skeleton model, including clavicle, scapula, arm bones, and hand bones. ▪ All the joints are articulated. ▪ Made of washable, high-quality PVC Every Dr...