This is a professional model of a life-sized lumbar vertebrae with a sacrum, coccyx, and a herniated disc. It is designed as a visual learning aid for anatomy and physiology...
This highly detailed model is designed as a visual learning aid for anatomy and physiology courses. • Represents a cervical spine model with muscles showing the brain stem, occipital bone,...
This model is composed of 4 parts and shows different structures of the human bones. The external structure of the femur with periosteum, blood vessels, spongy bone, compact bone, and...
This extremely detailed bone structure model depicts a three-dimensional section of a lamellar bone, showing a typical structure of a tubular bone enlarged 80 times. The bone structure model shows...
Seen from the ventral side, natural size. The model shows the brain stem and the spinal cord, as well as the nerve branches, up to the coccygeal plexus. On the...
This life-size torso model is sliced horizontally into 24 pieces, giving an idea of how computer tomography and magnetic resonance work. Each slice can be rotated and removed for closer...
This disarticulated skeleton model is designed to be used by any student of anatomy from beginner to advanced, and can be used by medical professionals, teachers and artists. • This...
Plaque mount shows sensory, neural, and motor components of a typical reflex arc. Pertinent structures are numbered and referenced on the accompanying key. Every Dr Wong Anatomy® Model comes...
This flexible spine model showcases the spinal vertebrae, sacrum, spinal cord, spinal nerves, and the vertebral artery in life-size. Additionally, it also demonstrates a herniated disc. This spinal column model...